The digital world we offer needs to offer an approach that’s comfortable for everyone. This approach is called inclusivity.
It’s important you understand what this means and how it can bring your products and services to anyone the right way. This means you’re addressing the needs of everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or disability. When you offer an inclusive approach to your brand strategy, you’ll engage more fully with the entire population of your area.
Actions Speak Louder than Words
Even when you’re offering your customers obscure, non-gender, non-racial products, such as cars, trucks, and SUVs, you have to ensure you do so with diversity and inclusivity in mind. Do your ads showcase people of various backgrounds? Are the companies you’re partnered with supporting diverse organizations? Your actions and the company you keep have become just as important as the products and services you offer.
Use These Tips to Ensure You’re Offering Inclusivity in Your Digital Marketing Approach
Showcase Actual Diversity
When you create advertising campaigns you need to keep everyone in mind. This doesn’t mean only offering ads with minorities pictured in them, but people of all races, ages, backgrounds, etc. This can sometimes be difficult, especially when you’re only using one image or video, but if you’re creating an entire campaign try to rotate the genders, capabilities, and races of the people that are in your images.
Audit Your Landing Pages and Website for Inclusivity
Does your website match your audience well? As a car dealership, it’s important you reflect the people that live in your area. That doesn’t mean leaving anyone else out of the mix though. Check your pages and where your content is sending your audience to see if the images they see reflect them well.
Address the Nine Feelings of Inclusion in Your Advertising
Did you know there were nine feelings of inclusion? If not, it’s time to dive into these feelings and ensure your advertising reflects these feelings. When you’re trying to convince your audience to purchase a vehicle, you want to reach them emotionally and build trust with your brand. The nine feelings of inclusion are Celebration, Zest, Hope, Relaxation, Relief, Safety, Confidence, Acceptance, and Clarity. You can easily find some of these to include in your advertising.
Metaphors Make a Difference in Inclusivity
A good rule of thumb is to have three metaphors of inclusion in your advertising. These metaphors can reach the feelings and help you build a relationship with those who are going to consume your online content. What you need to show is how the vehicles you sell can address the needs of your entire audience and what they might experience from one day to the next.
The Percentages Tell the Story
Images are some of the most important aspects of your advertising. If you only showcase middle-aged white men in your ads, you’re going to turn a lot of people away. Reports tell us that women, men, and ethnic minorities are more trusting of ads when they are represented in them and when the advertising is authentic. These reports don’t lie and add more importance to you bringing inclusivity to your brand.
Create Advertising that’s More Accessible
As much as 25 percent of the population is disabled. This can mean that if you don’t add accessibility features to your advertising you might be turning one-quarter of the population away from your vehicles. Of course, if you ensure your advertising has the accessibility needed for this segment of the population to benefit from your marketing, you’ll have a leg up on your competition.
Create a Library of Keywords Focused on Inclusivity
How are your customers going to search for the vehicles you sell? This is where you need to begin when creating a keyword library. Add some layers to this in which you consider customers with physical disabilities, cognitive differences, military statuses, age, different genders, and various races. This is an excellent way to ensure your keywords are more inclusive when you utilize them.
Check Your Marketing for Any Biases
You don’t want to show any bias in favor of or against any group of the population. Perform an audit of your advertising campaigns and marketing data to ensure you don’t have any bias in them. This includes targeting a specific group too much, whether they are a minority group or not. Check your biases and create the inclusivity needed in the marketing that you offer the potential customers that visit your car dealership website.
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