SEO Sells Used Cars

SEO Sells Used Cars

Using proper SEO strategies you can sell anything; you just need to know how to implement them. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of building content that Google and other search engines rank high for specific terms. These terms are called keywords and drive analytics to show the most relevant pages for a user once they enter a search query. In simpler terms, the best results are shown for a search term once it’s entered, which is how SEO works. Using good SEO practices, you can sell anything, including used cars.

Content Still Reigns Supreme in SEO

Everything created online is a form of content, but when we discuss content in SEO terms, we typically discuss the written words to support and describe products and services. Of course, content can be in video format as well, but even videos typically need some written captions or excerpts to describe what they include.

If the goal is to attract a local audience, the best content will rank for the product or service, and the geographic location. For example, if you want to attract customers to a restaurant in your town, you would use key phrases that include menu items, the type of food, or the name of the restaurant combined with the name of the city. An example would be Best Breakfast in Washington, PA.

When your job is to sell used cars, such as used Lexus cars, you’ll want to use this term along with the geographic area to give users an easier way to find your dealership and the cars you sell. The term Lexus used cars in Charlotte, NC, could be an excellent term to draw people toward a dealership selling these vehicles in this area. Some marketers also like to use the “near me” phrase, but it can be trickier to work into the content naturally. Using “Lexus used cars near me” requires the writer to speak in the first person using I, me, and my instead of we, our, and us, which they normally would use.

Create Local Link Building Strategies

Once you’ve created the exceptional content, you want to use, it’s time to figure out how to get your pages in front of your local audience. You can use external links in your content by simply adding a link over some of the terms, hoping these links will give your page authority, or you can try something more effective. Outreach links could be the key to your local customers seeing your content. If you’re selling used cars, the customers you’re trying to reach live in your local town and region.

To build an outreach link profile, your digital marketing team needs to negotiate with other businesses that have websites and use bloggers to work together with reference links to each other’s pages. This is a fantastic way to promote other local businesses and for them to do the same. Another form of outreach links is negotiating with third-party website owners and reputable bloggers, not necessarily in your local area, and asking them to link your pages to their content.

Adding an outreach link-building program on either or both of these fronts will help your dealership sell cars and bring your pages closer to the top of search engine pages for your keywords.

How Does Your Website Look?

It’s important to create impressive content that can support your website, but if your website appears to be one from the first days of the internet, it’s going to turn off many users. Your website is the heart of your online presence and must be cared for, updated, and improved regularly. You’re selling used cars and want to be considered a reputable company to buy from. Your logo needs to be consistent, every page should have a similar format, and all menus need to be easy to use.

In addition to the appearance of your website looking right on a computer, it must be mobile-friendly. We are in the year 2022, and mobile devices are used much more often than desktop computers. Think about the last time you performed a search; did you use your smartphone or a desktop computer? Most likely, it was the smartphone.

Did You Claim your Google My Business Page?

Online users will know which companies have a Google My Business page and which ones don’t. Your car dealership must use this page to instantly tell customers your business location, hours, phone number, and offer a link to your website. This is information that starts the search process for most potential customers. Without this page, you’re leading your sales away from your dealership and toward your competition who set up their Google My Business page long ago.

You’ve Got Customers, Ask for Their Reviews

Customers who buy from your dealership have an experience they want to share. Before the days of the internet, this sharing happened via word of mouth. Today, this word of mouth runs through Yelp, Google, and social media. If a customer had a great experience and bought one of the Lexus used cars from you, they might not remember to share this information online. Help them out by asking for a review. You can do this by setting up a simple online questionnaire that leads to the review pages where they can post their review of your dealership.

Online reviews are typically the second thing a user looks for after they’ve found your website. Ask for those reviews and get those stars.

Use SEO to Sell Your Used Cars

There are many aspects of SEO that we didn’t cover, but these few tips can get things started in the right direction. Build a great website, support it with excellent content, get that content linked to other pages, claim your Google My Business Page, and ask for customer reviews. That’s a lot to do when you’re starting out, but the reward will appear when you see your name at the top of the search engines when shoppers are searching for Lexus used cars in Charlotte, NC.


This post may contain affiliate links. Meaning a commission is given should you decide to make a purchase through these links, at no cost to you. All products shown are researched and tested to give an accurate review for you.

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