Should Car Dealers Use Paid Search on Bing?

Should Car Dealers Use Paid Search on Bing?

The question is whether it’s worth it for car dealerships to use paid search on Bing, or stick to other digital marketing efforts?

Digital marketing is the name of the game when it comes to car dealers getting their name, inventory, and specials out there. While many dealers spend their dollars getting seen on Google, there are some other options to consider. Google accounts for nearly 70 percent of online searches, which means there’s another 30 percent to consider. That’s where search engines like Bing come into play.

First Thing’s First

Before your car dealership considers adding paid search on Bing to your marketing plan, it’s critical to know how your marketing efforts are currently paying off. If, for example, you are just starting your digital marketing journey, want to begin a new campaign, and are working towards building traffic to your site, you may not want to throw money at Bing just yet. In this case, your best bet is to work on gaining traffic on Google through paid searches and search engine optimization (SEO).

If you have a smooth SEO and marketing strategy and are just looking to boost your traffic and results, adding paid search on Bing might be the right move for you. Here are some of the top benefits of using a paid search on Bing:

Less Competition Means Lower Costs

The majority of auto dealers are throwing their money at pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and ads on Google. That means there are fewer dealers focusing on Bing. So long as you have a strong Google presence already, you’ll easily stand out on Bing. Your ads and campaigns will get noticed much quicker than in an avenue that has tons of competitors.

Since many ads are PPC-based, you’ll end up paying less for every click on your ads than you do with Google. That means you can save money on your advertising budget or get an even greater reach with your cash. With your campaigns reaching more of your target audience, you’ll see a greater ROI for your dealership.

Extended Reach

While Google is known for working with a host of partners, Bing also has partners. When you use paid search on Bing, your ads will also show up on Yahoo and AOL. Bing works with its partners as if they were all the same search engines. You’ll have direct access to shoppers who have stuck with their AOL and Yahoo search accounts, as well as those who want to escape the Google monopoly.

To make things even easier for your dealership, you can export your Google AdWords campaigns and convert them directly into Bing campaigns. You may have to make a few changes, but you can move ads over in just a few minutes. Bing even gives you almost over twice the number of characters per line to describe your dealership and specials in the ad than you get with Google.

Detailed Reporting Moves You Forward

When you use paid search ads on Bing, you get access to tons of useful data that tell you how your campaigns are performing on Bing, Yahoo, and AOL. This added transparency helps you make critical decisions about how to adjust your marketing projects. If something is working, you can double down for a higher return. If one of your efforts isn’t reaching people, you can change things up to see better results.

Are You Ready To Make The Leap?

If you already have a solid presence on Google and are ready to expand your reach and increase your auto dealership’s traffic, talk to your marketing team about paid search campaigns on Bing. Jumping into this space will separate you from other car dealers and reach your target audience. Instead of ignoring this segment of your potential clients, jump and see what you can accomplish with paid search on Bing.

This post may contain affiliate links. Meaning a commission is given should you decide to make a purchase through these links, at no cost to you. All products shown are researched and tested to give an accurate review for you.

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