Your car dealership can benefit from user-generated content which can be shared through your online marketing efforts.
More than 85 percent of consumers have stated that visual content is more valuable to them than videos and photos that are the same across many dealers. Because of this value, you’re going to want to ensure you tap into this content to make sure customers see what you want to show them.
What is User-generated Content?
Do you look at customer reviews before making a buying decision? Are you using social media to see what your friends and family are buying to see what they recommend? This is user-generated content and it can be a great way for you to have it link back to your website and social media feeds to make the content offer value to your dealership.
Let Your Customers Help Your Dealership
Because there are many levels to the car buying process, you need to employ the smartest online marketing strategies to ensure that your dealership can be linked to content that your customers use to mention you. Whether that comes from social media posts or reviews, your dealership can benefit from this content in a couple of very different ways. Let’s take a look at these benefits.
Improved ROI
There’s no limit to the amount of content that users generate that can link back to your dealership. With a little experimentation, you can monitor and analyze the ROI that comes from user-generated content. As one of the most popular ways to get in front of customers, you’ll be amazed by how much this type of content can add to your bottom line and bring leads to your dealership that you’ll turn into sales.
Show Your Dealership in a New Light
The focus on your brand can be much different when your customers tell their stories. When they have a great experience buying a new or used car from your dealership, that feeling of elation can come through on their social media feeds. This gives their friends and family members a referral that can be trusted for your dealership. You don’t have to do a lot to convince this audience that your dealership is the place to go.
Customer Empowerment
Whether your customer is a young person buying their first car or you’re working with someone in the later years o their life, the feeling of freedom, empowerment, and joy that comes from the purchase of a new vehicle is amazing. Allow these customers to share their stories and link to your dealership to showcase the feelings they have of now owning a new set of wheels.
What Type of User-generated Content Should You Try to Create?
By collecting content from customers that talk about your dealership, you’ll have tons of great content to showcase in different ways. Several automotive brands have created collages and videos with this type of content to connect with customers on a more human scale. Let’s take a look at some ways that you can make the most of content from your customers.
Show Your Customers Driving Around Town
Whether your customers want to take photos at various landmarks in town or they just want to showcase how much fun they can have when they are in the vehicle from your dealership, you can collect this content and let others see why they should buy from you. Coming to your dealership for a vehicle allows them access to all the things that your area has to offer.
Host a Car Meet at Your Dealership
You’re all about cars and a great way to connect to the community and let the user-generated content flow on social media is to host a car meet at your location. Consider the types of cars that will attend and let some of your inventory be part of the display of amazing vehicles that can be seen when the community comes to see what’s going on.
Stories of Engagement
The use of the Stories feature on social media platforms has grown to an incredible level and you can encourage your customers to mention your dealership in their stories. You can link to this content and build a story of your own that will be shared across your social platforms. The local customers that will visit your dealership will love seeing how others have enjoyed the models they purchased from you.
Create the right feeling and connect with your customers through the user-generated content they share after visiting your dealership and let it help you sell more cars.
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