Year: 2018

Vibedration hydration backpacks
As anyone who has ever attended music festival an all weekend rave can tell you, hydration can become a bit of an issue. During Woodstock, in 1969, the heat of August would have been a significant problem for concert-goers. However, Mother Nature dropped over five inches of rain at the festival.
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How to Blog: The Basics
The days of paper diaries are in the past, for most people anyway. We’ve entered an age where people actually will check every day to see if you’ve said something new or exciting. People want to know what you had for breakfast –including photos. They want to hear about your new car, the trials, and […]
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Dealership Culture and Discrimination
In this current social climate, discrimination is a hot button issue, so much so that we forget that discrimination doesn’t just apply to race. The defined discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things. The dictionary goes on to specify that it typically occurs against people of different sex, […]
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Destined for Greatness
The BMW brand brings a ton of clout in the automotive world and the reputation of this brand makes you think that everything that wears the BMW badge will have the look and performance you want when it’s time to get on the road and have an amazing drive.
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More Electric for Toyota
Over the past few years, we’ve seen a variety of ways Toyota has tried to offer us different hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are just a few. It appears, they have decided on a plan and will look to add EV models to every single name in the Toyota lineup.
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